Welcome to "The Beige Designer".
This will be the first of, hopefully, many weekly posts that I'll be writing about game design and the development of video games. However, I'll also throw in some game reviews or miscellaneous posts about the world of video games.
Now, do keep in mind that I'll be writing about things from my own experience or about observations that I've made. So don't think that everything I write will be globally correct and absolute. If you agree about something I wrote, great! That means I actually know what I'm talking about and you should spread the word! If you disagree, well that's fine too. You can post a comment and tell me why. It's always good to see things from a different perspective.
Well, I guess that's about it for this blog's introduction. Before I go, you can visit my website here where you'll find more information about me as well as the games I've developed so far.
See you all next week!
Looking forward to read more!